Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,


The Lodzkie Region belongs to the fastest developing regions in the country. It is a region located in the centre of Poland, in the centre of Europe, with excellent transport connections at the intersection of the trans-European transport corridors running north - south: Scandinavia - Adriatic, and east-west: Moscow - Berlin.

From here you can quickly reach every corner of the world and export manufactured goods in the shortest time. This is possible due to the developed railway network and regular rail cargo connections, including to China with Łódź - Chengdu. We also have an airport, where in addition to passenger flights to cities such as Munich, there is also a cargo terminal, which in 2014 was in the second place among Polish airports in the RFS transport (Road Feeder Service).

Our region is organizing a series of international events aimed at intensification of economic cooperation with foreign countries.

The favourable geographical position of the region is conducive to the development of the logistic industry, thanks to which the Lodzkie Region has become a strong Polish base in this area. The Lodzkie Region is a place where EU funds are used most effectively, and where there has been one of the largest increases in GDP in recent years. An effective tool in stimulating the region's economic development is the acquisition of EU funds under the Regional Operational Programme of the Lodzkie Region for the years 2014-2020. We have received one of the largest allocations in the country, and the sum of money allocated for the support of entrepreneurship (excluding funds for scientific and research units) is nearly EUR 268 million.

Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises are especially important for us. They represent 98% of all companies and are crucial for the development of entrepreneurship in the region. Our region is characterized by a dynamic and innovative approach to the economy thanks to young, imaginative people and qualified staff. This is due to the fact that Łódź is the city with the third largest population in Poland, and a large and important academic centre in the country. Universities in our area are attended by more than 90 thousand students. In Łódź there is also British International School of the University of Łódź, where the children of entrepreneurs and foreign investors can acquire knowledge and education on a global level.

Lodz Special Economic Zone, one of the most highly rated in the country, is developing here.

In the Top 10 Zones Globally report 2018 published by fDi Magazine (owned by Financial Times), Lodz Special Economic Zone was ranked fourth among special economic zones in the world and first in Europe.

The region is investing in Bionanopark - one of the most modern research and implementation centres for business in Europe. The Lodzkie Region knows where it is going. We have Developement Strategy for the Lodzkie Region 2020, Regional Innovation Strategy LORIS 2030, Brand Creation and Promotion Program and very interesting programme Lodzkie Region promotes start-ups for young, aspiring entrepreneurs. The advantageous location and favourable business climate at all levels make investing in the Lodzkie Region attractive.

We would like to invite you to invest in our region.


Why invest in the Lodzkie Region?:

  • A favourable geographical location at the intersection of transport routes, including the China–Europe transcontinental route.
  • A regular cargo rail connection to China (to Chengdu).
  • Attractive investment offers for investors in Lodz and the Lodzkie Region, including areas managed by Łódzka Specjalna Strefa Ekonomiczna S.A. (Lodz Special Economic Zone).
  • Well-developed economic infrastructure of the region’s capital city – Lodz.
  • Numerous universities and vocational schools equipping graduates with the highest skills.
  • Significant scientific and research potential of universities and research centres in Lodz.


Modification date: September 2023

  • The Lodzkie Region is an attractive place to work, live and do business.
  • Effective and resourceful business partners.
  • Active economic and pro-investment policy of the Lodzkie Region’s local government.
  • British International School of the University of Łódź – a school for international children and young people;
  • Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises may use the UE funds through the Entrepreneur Service Centre;
  • Sources of thermal waters: thermal spa in Uniejów; new thermal waters in Poddębice.